About Us
Pota’ Johnson has founded with his son Trey, potrey investing, a family owned business as an entrepreneurial private investment platform. This self-starter small business based in Walnut Creek, California, has cemented it’s reputation as a forward thinking entrepreneurial company. pota’ started making investments in 2005 when he launched his own successful transportation company Atop transportation. Johnson´s commitment to value-creating ownership of businesses and investments has lead him to build a strong investment group that will have generational wealth. The investment portfolio of potrey investing are for short term and long term success. They include real estate, startups, precious metals, vacant land, Reit’s, stocks, etc

The group’s mission is to be recognized for the quality and competency of its people, the speed and thoroughness with which it makes and implements investment decisions, and its ability to recognize attractive investment opportunities that generate above average risk-adjusted returns.The group shares a long-term investment horizon, but it recognizes that liquidity may be essential to fulfilling its mission. Their plan is to develop and acquire assets in a risk appropriate manner that will create value and cash flow for stakeholders, customers and partners. They strive to seek innovative and creative ways to finance assets in addition to searching out growth markets for opportunities.